A Love Letter From Jesus
I love you very much. You are so precious and valuable to Me. I think about you all the time and have wonderful plans for you. The thoughts and plans that I have for you are to give you a . . . MORE
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
How would a woman feel if a man pointed a gun at her and said, “Will you marry me? If you don’t, I will kill you!” Sounds romantic, doesn’t it? Many people think that is what God is like. “You better love me or else I will make you . . . MORE...
Can God really love and accept me?
A woman was brought to Jesus who had been caught in the act of committing adultery. Jesus was asked, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say? This they . . . MORE
How do you handle stress and fear?
The winds were whipping up the waves on the Sea of Galilee. The experienced fishermen, along with others on the boat, were doing their best to keep their vessel afloat. But the storm got stronger and stronger till it seemed certain they were going to sink and drown. Amazingly, . . MORE
Do you struggle with insecurity?
The tension in the room was very uncomfortable. The constant, underlying competition to be the greatest led each of the disciples to look for ways to put others down or lift themselves up (Luke 22:24). When they gathered to celebrate their last Passover meal with Jesus, everything . . . MORE
Salvation From All Aspects of Sin
Understanding how and when Jesus saves us from the wages of sin, slavery to sin, and all the evil effects of sin can help us:
Experience God's unconditional love and be motivated by love to serve Him and others
Experience Peace with God all the while we are growing
Understand one another better when we are talking about the plan of salvation.
Have health expectations of what God has promised, so we are not disappointed when bad things happen in our lives.