Compelling Love of God

Growing Into Maturity by Finding Security in Christ


Dear Pastor Meharry,

 These lessons are a blessing for those who don't understand the Gospel message.  I mailed one of the first workbooks I ordered from you to my friend yesterday.  I kept one for myself and when she receives the package we will do the lessons together on the phone long distance. 

 My husband and I both went over each lesson first before we decided on a list of people we want to share these lessons with.  You managed to explain the Gospel message so every one, no matter what their denomination at present, can understand what Jesus has accomplished for all of us and why we don't have to live with guilt, shame and sin one minute longer. 

 Thank you for these lessons.  May God bless you and yours.



Recently I purchased your Compelling Love series and have enjoyed them so much. Our church has a Discover Bible School and recently one prisoner who had completed both sets of Amazing Facts studies requested more and I have been sharing your Compelling Love studies. He loves them and has written some of the most encouraging things after his study (several pages of thanks). He has been blessed with insight that has driven him into deeper Bible study and has gained greater insight and desire to seek out more.  He is thankful for the indepth knowledge these studies have brought.  N.C.


Dear Pastor Meharry,

The book has been a HUGE blessing to me so far - so clear and understandable. The material presented is simple, yet profound. Your study has broken down the salvation truths found in the Bible in a way that gives a fresh perspective to passages that have longstanding familiarity. I am comprehending the awesome plan of salvation in a much deeper way as I progress through the chapters.

Thank you for allowing GOD to use you to speak to me. Blessings!




Hi Clinton,

I am going through the Compelling Love study at a leisurely pace and enjoying it. The study is very nicely organized and you stick to the main theme throughout. Thank you for the hard work-and love-you put into writing this study.

God bless you, S.K.


Pastor Meharry,

Thank you for appearing on 3ABN. I downloaded your studies and they are wonderful and have helped me immensly, but I would like to have them in the book form.

I have never heard such good news about salvation, and I am 78 years old and raised in a Christian Church.  I know that I have read verses in the Bible pertaining to God's compelling love, but could find no one to explain why we didn't believe what the Bible said.  Thank you again so very much for straightening out my mind. 

I just want you to know that now I have peace and joy and not fears of judgment etc. Again I say Thank You. If your lessons haven't blessed any one but me it is well worth your time because I plan to be with my Jesus forever, not as a reward but because of His great love for me and I love him for that.

 In Christian love and appreciation for what you are doing for those of us who are lost in the church.




© 2009-2023 Clinton Meharry.